Full-Time Cook’s helper in Montreal
Job Description
“Educational level : Secondary Not completed Years of experience related to the job offer :none, or information not available Description of qualifications : (The following information has not been translated.): Tr�s bon esprit d’�quipe; efficace et �nergique; vous �tes motiv�(e) � aqu�rir une exp�rience en restauration bien structur�e o� l’atmosph�re est amicale et chaleureuse.
Languages asked for : spoken languages : French written languages : French Salary offered : 10,75$ – per hour Number of hours per week : 30,00 Various terms : Uniforme fourni et lav� par l’entreprise, avantages int�ressants, cong�s f�ri�s sup�rieur � la moyenne. Boni de pr�sence. Rabais sur les repas. De 30 � 40 heures par semaine.
Job status : permanent full time day, evening, weekend, shift Job start date : 2017-02-13(The following information has not been translated.): Pr�parer certains mets; Compl�ter les repas sur la ligne de pr�paration ; Nettoyer les �quipements et voir � l�entretien m�nager de la r�tisserie; Recevoir la marchandise.”
How to Apply
"Means of communication : fax telephone : 514-527-0220 mail : 3060, rue Hochelaga, MONTR�AL, Qu�bec, H1W1G2 E-mail (electronic mail) : rh@aucoq.ca Web site : http://www.aucoq.ca Additional information : (The following information has not been translated.): Veuillez inscrire le titre du poste (aide-cuisinier (�re)) temps plein et la r�tisserie Hochelaga lors de l'envoi de votre candidature par fax ou e-mail."We encourage all candidates who have the right mix of skills, abilities and a passion for excellence to apply. We thank all those who apply but only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.